The ISSGPU is an active society of professionals, engaged in the research & development of sheep, goat and rabbit production and utilization in the country. The society supports the spread of the latest research achievements and developments for enhancing production from these species of livestock. Not only Indian citizens but also scientists from abroad are also members of this society. It is a non-profit making organization.

The idea of forming ISSGPUwas conceived in the year 1978. It was launched with the patronage of the research workers of the Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute (CSWRI), teachers of the college of veterinary science and the officers of Rajasthan state sheep and wool department. The ISSGPU was registered in January 1982 and its registration number is 474/81-82 dated 04.01.1982. Coincidentally on that day, CSWRI also completed 20 years of its existence. The office of the society is located at Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar-304 501, Rajasthan
The ISSGPU was granted the approval under section 80 G (5) of the IT Act by the Commissioner of the Income Tax, Kota and registered the society under section 12AA of IT Act. The registration number of the society is IT /ITO (T) 12 AA/KTAS/2009-10 dated 12.06.2009.
The ISSGPU was also granted registration by the Commissioner of Income Tax, Kota under the section 12AA of IT Act. The registration number of ISSGPU is CIT/ITO (T)/12AA/KTA/2009-10/700 dated 12.06.2009.
The ISSGPU since 1995 is regularly publishing each year two issues of the “Indian Journal of Small Ruminants” in the month of April and October. The I.S.S.N. Number of Print Version is 0971-9857 and for Online Version is 0973-9718.