Indian Society for Sheep and Goat

Production and Utilization


Website Development and Designing, India



Aims and Objectives

1. The advancement of sheep, goat and rabbit production and utilisation (SGPU) in all aspects by dissemination and application of knowledge gained from research activities.

2. The provision of opportunities for exchange of knowledge and ideas through discussions and other means and for collaboration between persons interested in different fields of sheep and goat production and utilisation. 

3. To organise conference, symposia, seminars, workshops and other periodical meetings.

4. To participate in meetings and conferences which may be held in India /abroad for discussing matters relating to the advancement of sheep and goat production and utilisation.

5. To publish scientific and technical journals, policy papers, memoirs, monographs, bulletins, pamphlets, newsletter, etc. on subjects related to sheep and goat production and utilisation.

6. To strengthen finances by subscription/membership/donation/grants etc. and to make necessary investments in order to promote the technical, scientific and developmental activities of the society.

7. To acquire by gift, purchase, lease or otherwise lands, buildings or other immovable property together with all rights appearing thereto. The property acquired by the society on its dissolution shall be transferred to a similar institution failing which it will vest in the government of India/ ICAR without payment of any compensation whatsoever.

8. To provide financial and other assistance for education and research or development activities in the field of sheep and goat production and utilisation.

9. To affiliate or associate with other national and international organisations for furthering the interest of the society.

10. To perform such activities as may be necessary deemed fit for attainment of the objectives of the society.