Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization has
completed 25 years of its existence. We celebrated 2006 as the
Silver Jubilee Year of the Society. The year has been very
eventful. Dr. V.K. Singh relinquished the charge of the Society
President on his superannuation and the undersigned has taken
over as the new President on January 31, 2007. During the year,
the Society organized two National Seminars, two Interactive
Workshops, one Goat Development Day and a number of Sheep and
Goat Exhibitions wherein a large number of Scientists, Teachers,
Development Workers, Progressive Farmers, Administrators and
Industrialists participated. We have also launched a Website of
the Society viz.
http://www.issgpu.org for faster dissemination of
scientific knowledge. The Society awarded the Title of “Bhed and
Bakari Pandit” to eight Progressive Sheep and Goat Farmers. In
addition ten Life Members of the Society were also honored as
“ISSGPU Fellow” during the year. The Society continued
publishing its “Indian Journal of Small Ruminants” and the
“ISSGPU Newsletter”. I know in the time ahead a lot more is
required to be done in our efforts to highlight the importance
of sheep and goats in improving the lives of people in India.
With the continued support and commitment of the honorable
Members and the Executive Body of the Society we can develop
new, exciting technologies, share vital knowledge and forge
meaningful partnerships for improving sheep and goat
productivity that will help change the landscape of poverty in
our country. Together, we can make a difference. I may be
contacted on my e-mail address:
issgpu@yahoo.com or
for any suggestions to further improve the functioning of the
Society. Wishing the best to all the esteemed readers.
Jai Hind! - Dr V.K. Singh
Singer Debbie Harry used HGH (human
growth hormone) and injections of cells taken from
the embryo of black sheep. The 62 years old recently
said she has had plastic surgery and will definitely
so do again to help maintain her looks. The still
young looking Harry said she started taking the
injections about thirty years ago. The embryonic
treatment is known as “ fresh cell replacement”. She
said that “There were 11 injection in all and she
felt marvelous,” according to a report in the Daily
Mail. Harry still uses HGH, but according to
her she does so only when under stress. Harry is the
lead singer of the band, Blondie. Written by
the Carefair.com
Editorial team Contributed
by: Dr. S.M.K.Naqvi |
The Kendrapada sheep is identified as
another prolific sheep of India after Garole of West
Bengal. Kendrapada is distributed in Bhadrak, Konark
and Puri district of coastal area of Orissa. A
survey was made to study the prolificacy of
Kendrapada sheep of Orissa around Kendrapada
district and Nimapara (Konark) during April 2007.
The survey revealed Kendrapada as a prolific and
excellent medium stature meat type
sheep. In the flocks surveyed more than
75 % ewes produced multiple births and
the adult body weight of sheep was about
23 kg. The animals were managed on
grazing only with zero input. |
The mortality was about 50 % in lambs and 20 % in
adults and was higher in triplet compared to twins. The Kendrapada sheep
produced about 60 % twins, however in the first
parity more than 85 % females gave single birth and
after that gave multiple births in successive
parities. They also produced about 300 ml of milk.
The 6 Month weight was about 7-8 kg in surveyed
area. The both sexes were polled, however, in some
males button like horn were noticed. This sheep has
not been well documented. Hence, detail study of
this valuable germplasm is required before its
extinction and use for improving prolificacy of
other mutton producing sheep breeds.
Contributed by: Drs. A. K. Mishra,
Satish Kumar, A. L. Arora and S. A. Karim |
condition scoring is a simple,
noninvasive, time saving and beneficial
technique to rank ewes according to
their body reserve by sight and touch.
Thirty healthy Malpura ewes were
utilized for the study. Ewes were
classified in Group-I (G1) 2.5 BCS,
Group-II (G2) 3.0-3.5BCS and Group-III
(G3) 4.0 BCS by different feeding
schedule. |
All the ewes were mated naturally by a ram of proven
vigour and fertility. On day 50 of gestation the
fetal volume of all the ewes was observed with the
help of ultrasonography. The fetal volume of ewes
with 2.5 BCS (167.5 C3) was significantly lower
P<0.05 as compared to 3.0-3.5 BCS (193.2 C3) and 4.0
BCS (214.2 C3), respectively.
Contributed by: Drs. V.P.Maurya, S.M.K. Naqvi,
V.Sejian, D.Kumar and Anil Joshi |
Within two years sheep breeders will be sending off
blood samples to test for key genetic markers
contained within individual animals. The ability to
cull at weaning, stud lambs which carry genes for
poor worm resistance, staple strength, fertility or
dark fibers will soon be a reality, according to
meat and livestock sheep genomics director Rob
Forage. This is possible because genetic makeup of
sheep is now largely known, although exact genetic
code or DNA marker that ode for very
particular traits are still being explored. Dr
Forage said that “ we are currently art of an
international effort to find about 50,000 DNA sheep
markers that will lead to high performance sheep
breeding in the not too distant future.” Knowing how
these genes interact is another challenge, which is
currently taking place at the Faulkiner Research
Station near Deniliquin NSW. About 100 traits have
been measured on over 5,000 animals. This
information will be matched with the 50,000 sheep
DNA markers in order to associate traits with
markers. From this the researchers will be
developing a diagnostics tool for producers to use
and this is where the blood test will
come in. “It will be a massive number crunching
exercise to put this together but it will lead to
significant genetic gain for the sheep industry. It
is very exciting time ,” Dr Forage added.
Contributed by: Dr. S.M.K. Naqvi |
Six female goats were subjected for the experiment.
The study was conducted for 17 days. The animals
were kept in psychrometric chamber for 4 hours per
day on all experimental days. Blood samples were
collected on each day after melatonin treatment in
these animals to study the immuno-potentiation
properties of melatonin in terms of non-specific
immune response. Neutrophils were isolated from the
blood samples and subjected for phagocytosis assay.
DH5á strain of Escherichia coli was used for
estimation of phagocytic index. Bacteria were
labeled with FITC by incubating the organisms with
FITC solution for 20 minutes at room
temperature. The concentration of cell and bacteria
were adjusted according to nephlometric method. Both
neutrophils and bacteria were incubated for 30
minutes at room temperature and subjected for
hagocytosis assay. Phagocytosis index was
measured using fluoroscence activated cell sorter (FACS).
Melatonin could highly significantly (P= 0.01)
modify the phagocytic percentage of peripheral
neutrophils when compared to the control animals.
The results obtained established the
immunopotentiation property of melatonin.
Contributed by: Dr. V.Sejian |
Glucosinolates are a large group of
sulphurcontaining secondary plant metabolites that
occur in all Brassica originated feeds and fodders.
A wide variety of glucosinolates exists owing to
modification of the side-chain structure and to date
more than 120 different glucosinolates have been
identified. Glucosinolate content and composition
varies by the plant species, agronomic and climatic
conditions. Glucosinolate content of temperate
mustard (Brassica juncea) is quite high but mainly
of sinigrin (90%) and glucotropeolin (10%). The
glucosinolate content was 169μmol/ g seed dry
matter. Microbial bioconversion of glucosinolate
into bio-active health promoting isothiocynates
depends on the bacterial strains predominate in
gastrointestinal tract. Accordingly bioconversion
rate varies from 20 to 95 % due to large variation
individual intestinal flora. Therefore, different
bacterial strains have varying capability to produce
myrosinase activity for glucosinolate bioconversion.
Integration of glucosinolate bioconversion data with
predominate intestinal bacterial groups with
individuals flora revealed that Bacteroids and
Bifidobacterium groups possesses higher ability to
produce microbial myrosinase, thereby higher
glucosinolate bioconversion efficiency. Increased
population of Clostridiun leptum group suppresses
the glucosinolates bioconversion efficiency of
Bacteroids and Bifidobacterium groups. Whereas,
Clostridium coccoides, Atopobium, Lactobacillus and
Enterobacteria groups influence myrosinase activity
of intestinal flora. The glucosinolate bioconversion
complete swith in 36 hr of incubation by microbial
myrosinase. When plant myrosinase is active the pH
of the culture medium is influenced and declined
toward acidic which favored nitrile production.
Higher gas production under plant myrosinase
inactivated amples indicated that plant myrosinase
not only affects glucosinolates bioconversion but
also alters entire microbial fermentation.
Contributed by: Dr. M. K. Tripathi |
The Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and
Utilization (ISSGPU) organized a National Seminar on
“Innovations and Recent Advances in Reproduction for
Augmenting Small Ruminant Production” at Avikanagar
from 28- 30thDecember, 2006 in collaboration with
Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute,
Avikanagar and Central Institute for Research on
Goats, Makhdoom. The sponsors of the seminar were
Department of Science and Technology, Government of
India, Central Wool Development Board and National
Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. The
following recommendations emerged after the
scientific deliberations that took place during the
seminar in the Interactive and echnical sessions.
There is a need to develop an effective delivery
mechanism for propagating artificial
insemination programmes in small ruminants at
the farmer’s door with a network of good
inseminators and quality semen. The mechanism
must be feasible and cost-effective for adoption
in field by farmers.
The research by using high prolificacy of Garole
sheep in developing new strains by FecB gene
introgression in non-prolific native sheep needs
further investigation with regards to its
mothering ability, decreasing mortality and
increasing the weaned lamb crop for enhancing
market oriented lamb production in the country.
Nuclear technologies have tremendous potential
for augmenting small ruminant production through
reproduction. Intensive research should be
carried out for control of ovulation, early
embryonic development, embryo cloning, and
production of transgenic animals to develop
feasible assisted reproductive technologies for
small ruminants. Stem cell research in small
ruminants is still at the nascent stage.
Intensive research should be carried out to
utilize stem cell from embryos of elite animals
for replacing low producing animals in the
shortest possible time.
Nutritional deficiency as well as imbalances in
nutrients content affect reproductive processes
especially incidence of estrus, oocyte and
permatozoal development, ovulation and
conception. There is a need to intensify
research to identify specific nutritional
factor(s) causing such effect and to take
corrective measures.
Flushing after scarcity period improves the
ovulation rate and reproductive efficiency. In
depth studies on alteration in hormonal profile
before and after flushing needs to be studied n
detail for mimicking such effect in small
Malnutrition and under nutrition also affect the
circulating hormone level like GnRH and LH etc,
which ultimately influence the ovarian
development affecting the reproduction of
animals. This has to be further validated by
conducting trials and assess these hormone
levels in animals in the farmers’ flocks.
Certain Minerals like Cu, Zn, Co and Mn and
Vitamins like Vitamin A and E play very
important role in reproduction and production of
animals. There is an urgent need to study the
effect of supplementation of these minerals
wherever deficiency is encountered to overcome
the problem of reproduction on regional basis.
Certain compounds such as leptin grelin, insulin
tc. identified to be influencing
reproductive processes need to be further
investigated to delineate their role.
Goats are browsers and their 80% of their diet
is constituted by twigs and leaves, in arid and
semi arid region. Most of the plant species are
containing anti-nutritional factors like tannin,
saponin and other polyphenolic compounds. These
anti nutritional factors not only hamper the
digestibility and absorption of nutrients but
also affect the thyroid function, which
create problem in energy utilization. Hence
there is need to further study this aspect and
identify the mechanisms that directly and
indirectly affects the reproductive processes of
small ruminants.
In vitro foetus development can serve as an
excellent model in research for studying
organogenesis, foetal differentiation diagnose
all foetal and uterine abnormalities in small
International norms for phytosanitary measures
and accreditation of gamete research
laboratories must be developed at the national
level for small ruminants for stringent
regulation of exchange of superior germplasm and
control of disease transmission through semen
and embryos.
Awareness programmes on use of ultra-sonography
in sheep and goats be popularized firstly by
training field veterinarians and secondly
through KVK’s. Small Ruminant Obstetrics and
Gynaecology should be a separate one credit
course for teaching in B.V.Sc & A.H and a
detailed course at UG &PG level be introduced on
ultra-sonography especially in diagnosing
pregnancy, abnormalities and disorders in small
There should be participatory research approach
of scientists with farmers in
afforestation, grazing and community land
development for sustainable small ruminant
production. The approachable State Agricultural
Universities and ICAR research institutes should
provide all research information and essential
inputs to the farmers for augmenting small
ruminant production through reproduction.
News from CIRG,
The 30th National
Training Program on Commercial Goat Farming was
organized at CIRG Makhdoom from January 15 to 24,
2007. A total of 16 goat farmers and entrepreneurs
from 5 different states participated in this
training program. Dr. B. Rai, Sr. Scientist
coordinated the training program. The 31st National
Training Program on Commercial Goat Farming was
organized at CIRG Makhdoom from May 21 to 30, 2007.
A total of 35 goat farmers and entrepreneurs from 7
different states participated in this training
program. Dr. R.L. Sagar, Principal Scientist and
Incharge EESE Section coordinated the training
program. Two training programs of five days each
were organized on January 4 to 8, 2007 and March 12
to 16, 2007 for the farmers from Auriaya, U.P. (22
farmers) and Dehradoon, Uttarakhand (20 farmers),
respectively. Dr. B. Rai, Sr. Scientist coordinated
the training program. |
The Central Institute
for Research on Goats, Makhdoom organized a four-day
Training-Cum- Awareness Camp on Scientific Goat
Rearing at Fenhara Block of East Champran (Motihari)
district in Bihar from April 19 to 22, 2007 in
collaboration with Rajendra Agriculture University,
Pusa (Bihar). A Team of nine Scientists, four
Technical Officers and four Supporting Staff of the
Institute participated in organizing the programme.
The Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture, Food
and Civil Supplies Dr. Akhilesh Prasad Singh as the
Chief Guest inaugurated the Programme. Shri Shivji
Rai, MLA Madhuban and Dr. A.P. Mishra,
Vice-Chancellor, Rajendra Agriculture University,
Pusa (Bihar) were present as the Guests of Honour.
Dr. N.P. Singh, Director, CIRG, Makhdoom presided
over the Inaugural function. Over 1500 farmers and
goat keepers of the area attended the Programme.
The Hon’ble Minister
in his inaugural address highlighted the importance
of goats in the livelihood security of the small and
marginal farmers and the landless labourers of the
region and appealed the gathering to take full
advantage of the Training and Awareness Camp
organized by a Premier Institution of India on Goat
Research. While expressing his happiness he
appreciated and thanked the ICAR in general and the
CIRG scientists in particular for organizing the
Programme at the doorsteps of the farmers in a very
interior remote village of the East Champaran
district where goat rearing is an important activity
of the rural poor. The local MLA was also very
appreciative of the initiative taken by the CIRG in
sensitizing the rural poor of the area for
scientific goat rearing. The Hon’ble Minister also
released 8 Bulletins in Hindi on the occasion.
The Exhibition Stalls
of the CIRG, Makhdoom, RAU, Pusa, KVK, Piprakothi
and the Area Lead Banks were also put up to exhibit
the improved goat production technologies. The CIRG
exhibited different breeds of goats available in the
country and the improved technologies on scientific
breeding, feeding, housing, health coverage and
management of goats developed by the Institute. The
Director and the Scientists also toured extensively
in the area and studied the livestock production in
general and goat rearing in particular. There exists
a great potential for development and improvement of
goat rearing in the region. The Hon’ble Minister
also inaugurated the Training Programme on
Scientific Goat Rearing started on the same day. A
total of 162 farmers from the villages adjoining
Fenhara benefited from the training programme. Goat
Health Camps were also organized on all the four
days and the animals suffering from different
ailments brought to the Camp by the farmers were
provided required treatment. The response of the
villagers in the awareness camp, training programme,
health camp and the Farmers- Scientists interaction
meetings was overwhelming. The trainee goat farmers
were also awarded Certificates for their attending
and under going the training programme by the
Programme Coordinator Dr. V.S. Vihan Head, Division
of Goat Health and the local Coordinator Shri Akil
ul Rehman. |
play a significant role in ensuring
livelihood security to the millions of
small and marginal farmers, landless
labourers and rural folk. Goat rearing
under intensive and semiintensive system
for commercial production is gaining
momentum. A number of commercial goat
farms have been established in different
regions of the country. A progressive
farmer, Shri Rohan Singh resident of
Salempur village in Farah block of
Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh, who
has been doing traditional farming, was
inspired and motivated by the scientists
of CIRG, Makhdoom to start goat farming
for commercial production. Consequently
he started a Goat Farm in his village in
August 2006. |
Initially the farm was established
with 68 Barbari does and 2 bucks and later on after
6 months 33 does and 1 buck more were added to the
flock. The technical know-how on scientific goat
rearing was provided by the CIRG, Makhdoom. The
objective of this goat-rearing Project was to
produce and market pure breed ‘Barbari’ animals. The
initial investment made on purchasing of the
breeding stock and construction of sheds and
equipments was Rs. 1.62 lakhs and another Rs. 10,000
was used as working capital. The goats on this farm
have been maintained under semi-intensive system of
management by the two unemployed youths of the
grazing, the animals were provided
supplementary concentrate feeding,
mineral mixture, fodder, tree leaves
lopping and guar straw. Total
expenditure incurred on supplementary
feeding of goats in a year worked out to
Rs. 10700. The prophylaxis schedule
included vaccinations against
Enterotoxaemia, FMD and PPR diseases and
twice medication against internal and
external parasites. The expenditure on
prophylaxis and treatment for whole of
the flock was Rs. 3,500. Thus the total
recurring expenditure other than family
labour for a flock of 104 goats was Rs.
14,200 during one year.
the last one-year 73 kids were born from
68 does. The present strength of the
flock after sale of 50 grown up and
adults is 105 goats. The returns from
the sale of goats in one year were
estimated to be Rs. 75,000. Moreover,
the goat manure valuing Rs. 4000 was
produced and used in the agricultural
farm of the owner. Thus the annual net
returns to the family from goat rearing
worked out to Rs. 64,800. It is
interesting to note that this farmer
sold his almost all the surplus animals
(pure Barbari goats) for breeding
purpose to the other goat farmers at the
rate of Rs. 100 per kg live body weight. |
Concurrently the other traditional
farmers of this area maintaining non- escript goats
could fetch a market price of Rs. 60-65 per kg of
live body weight for their goats soldmostly for
meatpurpose. Hence rearing of pure breed goats
(Barbari or any other breed) always attracted
incentive through better market prices. Learning
from his own experiences and Transfer of Technology
Programme of CIRG, Makhdoom the farmer is now able
to manage his farm better as reflected by no
mortality in his flock over the last 6 months.
Further he purchased superior bucks
and does from CIRG for breed improvement and has
established credibility of producing good quality
pure breed Barbari goats. Farmer is beingconsidered
as a successful goat farmer in the adjoining area.
Contributed by: Drs. Shalander
Kumar, A.K.Goel and N.P. Singh |
ON 31st JANUARY, 2007
Dr. V.K. Singh, Director,
CSWRI, Avikanagar is well
known for his contributions
in Animal Science more
specifically in the areas of
Sheep, Goat and Rabbit
Breeding and Genetics. He
was also the President of
ISSGPU and during his tenure
the society flourished a
lot. Dr Singh retired on
January 31, 2007. |
ON 20th FEBRUARY, 2007
Dr. S.A. Karim was born on
14th February 1953 in a
village of Districts Bhadrak,
Orissa. He obtained his B.
V. Sc & A.H. and M. V. Sc
(Animal Nutrition) in the
year 1974 and 1976,
respectively from Orissa
Veterinary College,
Bhubaneswar and Ph. D. in
Animal Nutrition from
National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal in the
year 1991. He was awarded
University Gold Medal for
securing first position in
M. V. Sc. He started his
career as Junior Veterinary
Officer in the year 1977 and
on selection by Orissa
Public Service Commission
joined as Lecturer (Fodder)
in the year 1978. He passed
Agricultural Research
Service Examination in the
year 1978 and joined CSWRI,
Avikanagar on 4-9-1978 as
Scientist S1 (Animal
Nutrition). He became
Scientist S2 in the year
1984, Senior scientist in
1986, Principal Scientist in
1998 and Head, Division of
Animal Nutrition in 2005. He
took over the charge of
Director, CSWRI, Avikanagar
on 20-02-2007. So far he has
published 142 research
papers in national and
international journals of
repute, 47 invited/lead
papers, 20 popular articles,
5 book chapters and 4
technical bulletins. |
The ISSGPU has signed
an agreement on 1st July 2007 with M/s
Divan Enterprises, New Delhi to EPublish
“The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants”.
The research material of the current and
previous issues of the journal will be
stored and hosted by M/s Divan
enterprises on their server
www.indianjournals.com. The journal
is now available online to the end users
through Internet. All the life members
of ISSGPU and subscribers of “The Indian
Journal of Small Ruminants” are
requested to browse the website
regularly for getting the updates and
send their views/suggestions through
email at
>> Kindly contribute to ISSGPU Newsletter about latest discoveries, news on sheep, goat and rabbit.
>> You are requested to kindly send your e-mail addresses and phone numbers
Compiled and edited by:
Dr. Davendra Kumar
S. C. Sharma
Layout Setting:
M.L. Jangid
Published By
Avikanagar304501 Via:Jaipur (Raj.)